Just under a week ago, I had the idea to launch a DAO on a platform called daos.fun.
Being a NEET has awarded me a lot of free time. I was active in the Solana trenches and had already got into $ai16z early, so was familiar with the platform and knew it’s potential.
After meeting and speaking with the team (shout out to Daniel for jumping on a call with me), I knew there was potential for a novel DAO to be launched.
The DAO was to be named AI (Army of Indians), posing the question: can an Army of Indians market themselves, coordinate a DAO and grow a treasury better than cutting-edge AI can?
One AI image generated launch later (powered by Alphakek) and my inbox was flooding with requests. People from all over the world begging for whitelists.
In the span of a few hours, over 2500 people had requested to join the waitlist and participate in the presale.
Now, with just an hour until I launch, I thought I’d reflect on the journey and what’s to come. Enjoy some unfiltered thoughts and observations.
If an idea can make someone laugh, it’s worth pursuing. The first person I told Army of Indians to burst into laughter and knew it was going to perform well. I didn’t need validation to launch this, but it helps boost your confidence when you get confirmation that the idea will succeed.
Reward your loyal friends and mutuals. I gained several thousand followers since announcing this project. Some are bots. Most are harassing me in my DMs, begging for bigger brownlist allocations. These people will surely dump. In fact, they’ve already seeded their own liquidity and are profiting. It’s been rewarding to see my long-time mutuals get an allocation, knowing I have their full support and backing.
Underpromise and overdeliver. I know for a fact I could have raised more capital, but wanted to keep the presale small intentionally and launch at a low market cap. I’m hoping this demand flows into the project post-launch and injects enough lifeblood and excitement to keep the fund active for the next 12 months.
Ignore the FUD, extreme emotions and threats. As per the recommendation of the daosfun team, I will be placing some measures in place to prevent snipers from accumulating the supply once the liquidity bonds. Outside of this, I know people will FUD me, whether the project succeeds or fails. I have people begging me for whitelists, saying they’re losing sleep staying up for the launch and threatening me. I simply refuse to get emotional and just keep building.
Spend the time onboarding the people who matter. I’ve spent so much of the past week onboarding people onto the platform, walking them through the process and ensuring they’re in. It’s been time-consuming but well worth it.
Not everyone made it in. Unfortunately, some of my friends couldn’t make it in. One was sick, some were unresponsive, and a few couldn’t make it in even after I had sent them the link. You can’t save everyone, you can only do your best. There is always the secondary market for those who want to participate.
Jeets gonna jeet. Even though I received some backlash for promising 0.25 SOL allocation to everyone from an invite link, many of my invite links were leaked which set me back. After days of relentless begging and insisting that they will work for the project, I know interest will fade once they sell. That’s fine too.
Ask and you shall receive. I listened to a space with Shaw from ai16z. For over an hour, everyone came on stage and shilled their projects like robots. I waited patiently, managed to make him laugh with my Indian accent and New Delhi street noises in the background, and had him successfully participate in the presale. I didn’t think he’d reply considering his on-chain wallet grew by 7-figs that day, but here we are. Most people are nothing more than a message away from connecting. Grateful to have Shaw participate in the presale.
What’s Next For Army of Indians?
The tokens I’ve bought in the presale and trading fees will be used to bootstrap liquidity (without making snipers rich), pay operating expenses such as listings, and grow the DAO.
I’ve merely seeded the idea for Army of Indians. It’s now up to the Indians, namely the CEO (Top Jeet) to coordinate.
I already spent $200 to put a job ad out on Crypto Jobs List, with more recruitment on it’s way soon.
I’ve received hundreds of DMs the past few days. Many people want to contribute, but who is willing to actually do the work?
The thesis remains the same. There are 1,400,000,000 Indians.
Imagine your portfolio being managed overnight by a group of traders that are known for ruthlessly taking profits.
Imagine getting an analysis on tokens because a team on the other side of the world did the work for you.
Imagine giving Indians the AI tools that we use to supercharge their learning.
Outside of the entertainment and virality that this idea could bring, there is a genuine arbitrage. Crypto moves so quickly, no human can keep up.
Can an Army of Indians do it?
There’s only one way to find out.
Follow the DAO here.

Final Thoughts
When I first started this newsletter, it was to help people discover the benefits of quitting the wage cage and focusing on an alternate lifestyle built around your own freedom.
This didn’t come overnight. It took many years of trial and error, painful lessons, fumbling massive crypto bags, and lots of learning to get here.
However, what you’re seeing is the cumulative results.
It is entirely possible to engineer a life where you wake up and do what you want, when you want.
Choosing to work on Army of Indians on my own terms is what I set out to do, and so far, it’s been a massive success.
The journey will be interesting. I’ve already met some interesting people, learned a lot about the fundraising process and look forward to whatever comes next.
Finally, there are no promises or expectations on how things will play out. This is an experiment and the first DAO I’m launching. I’d love for this to go $1B and have a thousand Indians working around the clock to grow your bags.
But I’m just one person. It’s ultimately up to the buyers, the (lack of) sellers, the holders and the Indians to grow the treasury and make India a superpower by 2025.
On that note, if you’re interested in working for Army of Indians, please send me a DM on Twitter or on Telegram. Indians preferred, but open to everyone who wants to see the project grow and succeed.
Only one way to find out if this will work saar