Thus spoke the Jewish trickster to the balding manlet. What Seinfeld didn’t predict is that ‘The Opposite’ would become a heuristic for living a fulfilling and rewarding existence as a man in the modern world.
Doing the opposite of what is pushed by politicians, scientists, the education system, and the mainstream media will lead you to more success than acting on their advice. In fact, from now on ‘The Opposite’ should be your default stance.
When lifting makes you a toxic male and a right-wing asshole, you should be more determined than ever to hit a new PR for your deadlift.
When reading becomes the new favourite habit of the Neo-Nazis, you should be filling up your library with challenging books that forces you to think critically. Better yet, read something controversial or banned.
Is Bitcoin the alt-right’s favourite currency? Time to sperg out on all-things blockchain, smart contracts, and decentralised finance.
The more drinking Soylent and eating bugs is normalised, the more grass fed beef and free-range eggs you should add to your diet. The examples are endless.
What you will slowly start to notice, however, is a pattern emerging. A pattern that lures those who can’t think for themselves into a downward spiral of complacency and weakness.
They want you to be weak so you can’t physically retaliate.
They want you to be fat so your mind and body become slow and sluggish and you can be herded to and from your corporate jobs like sheep.
They want you to consoom endless content churned out on streaming services and social media so you never have the drive to create anything original or express yourself.
And finally, they want you trapped in an endless cycle of debt so you can sacrifice the best years of your life perpetuating the existence of a corporation.
Conventional advice says the path to success is to get good grades in school, get a degree, and land a career where you can climb your way to the top over decades comfortably retire.
At best, this approach will lead you to a life of mediocrity. At worst, a lifetime of misery.
Being a NEET (Not in Education, Employment, or Training) is the antithesis of everything society has geared you for.
Retirement is akin to being a NEET. It’s the end-goal for virtually everyone.
Why not skip the decades of servitude?
Why not spend the years of your life when you’re young and healthy pursuing what interests you?
Why not build your own schedule as opposed to being forced to work mandated by an organisation?

Power is not the degree of control we have over others. It’s the degree of autonomy we have over our own lives.
Students have to attend classes. Workers have shifts and standard hours they need to be working. NEETs have close to full autonomy over lives.
The NEET who sleeps in has more freedom than the graduate who has to wake up early to an alarm to commute to work.
The NEET who takes an afternoon nap has more freedom than the executive who is fully booked with meetings.
The NEET who cooks a healthy meal at a relaxed pace has more freedom than the vice president who has to rush their lunch and get back to work.
You will enjoy a deeper, richer life through the lens of a NEET.
Gone will be the shackles of daily traffic jams and public transport.
A newfound sense of time, energy and freedom will emerge where you can pursue anything you want on your own terms.
Welcome to ‘The Opposite’ side of history.
Welcome to the NEET Revolution.
nice thread ser. still debating on when to go fully neet. what $ stack would you want to feel comfy?